Growth and monetary policy diverge According to Pictet Asset Management, world stocks rose modestly in August as expectations grew that the European Central…13.9.2014KirjoittajaSalkunRakentaja
Taper no obstacle to further gains Pictet Asset Management remain overweight equity as their leading indicators point to improving growth.21.1.2014KirjoittajaSalkunRakentaja
Commerzbank: Backlog in investment drives German growth in 2014 According to Commerzbank, the upswing in Germany is widely supported with growth in investments. Increasing fluctuations in equity markets…10.12.2013KirjoittajaSalkunRakentaja
The stock markets growth will continue next year The investment director of Evli Pankki Kim Pessala estimates that the abundant liquidity of the market supports the…1.11.2013KirjoittajaSalkunRakentaja